Welcome to our casas particulares agency in Cuba!
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Type of business: Rent
Rent type: Chamber
Chambers: 2 Pics: 19
Renting of Casas Particulares in Cuba
Are you looking to rent a house, an apartment in Cuba? Or do you simply want rooms managed by Cuban families? A wide choice of houses all over Cuba for all options, including single apartments, complete houses or swimming pool villas, some configured for long time stays and some others for short time bed and breakfast vacations rentals.
In Cuba, rental prices for private houses are almost always the same, although there are very expensive rents and cheaper rentals, depending on the area and conditions. But, in spite of that, it can also happen that two private houses of very different categories have the same price and this is partly due to an old habit and then to the renting taxes, which are fixed and and do not depend on the quality of the house.
The casas particulares generally charge daily and per room, but when it comes to long stays they charge monthly and the monthly prices do not correspond to the daily ones.There are home owners that do not rent for a long time because they already have a regular clientele or because they have a lot of traffic and earn more by renting daily. Finally there are also complete apartments and houses that are rented as a whole. But generally, when these houses have more than one room, the prices are meant per room, except when it is specified that the price refers to the whole house. It is the habit in Cuba, not a habit of our agency.
The Sale of Houses and Real Estates in Cuba
Before November 2011, the sale of houses in Cuba was not allowed and only exchange between properties of very close value was allowed. Due to the novelty of the market there is not yet a price standard. This site has become very selective in terms of sales and has deliberately decided to publish only the houses with the best deals. As the latter are becoming increasingly scarce in Cuba and, on the other hand, foreigners are still unauthorized to legally acquire properties in Cuba, our site has almost abandoned the sale of houses, even though it is still technically possible.
Our site aims to bring the vacation rental made in Cuba to a professional level, always looking for the best options and we do not refer only to the conditions and location of a house, but also to the fact that we always try to highlight the best offers.